
音乐. 跳舞. 通信. 用你自己的方式表达自己.  



The 音频工程学会 was formed with the purpose of uniting persons performing professional services in the audio engineering field and its allied arts. The organization places an emphasis on challenging each member to expand their education and application in the world of studio recording, 生活的声音, 电子组成, 为电影配音.


The purpose of Boomwhacker俱乐部 is to spread joy and music through the art of playing the Boomwhacker. A secondary purpose is bringing back elementary music class nostalgia and a chance to make and meet new friends as a social group.


The purpose of 帽拍 is to provide an open place where many students can bond over something they didn’t know they had in common with each other and to also learn about the art of photography and the way we can share different things with the world.


The goal of the 首都爵士推广协会 is to advocate for jazz at 资本, 重点是吸引首都和大哥伦布社区. 它努力提高可威尼斯人官网性和理解性, in addition to providing outreach opportunities for the 资本 Jazz program. 


The purpose of the 威尼斯人平台ACDA分会 is to “provide opportunities for future choral directors to be directly involved with [a] professional choral organization while in college,”(联盟.org).



  1. 对会员进行历史教育, 使用, and prominent figures relating to Taiko music and 表演 in Japan and the United States
  2. To educate members on the significance of Taiko 音乐 in the Columbus area
  3. To provide 表演 opportunities to members, both in and outside of 威尼斯人平台
  4. 鼓励与其他文化的接触,主要是日本文化
  5. 为此目的, it shall be the purpose of this ensemble to hold rehearsals and/or meetings that further the understanding of the aforementioned objectives listed above

这个舞蹈队是一个学生组织. The group is composed of confident young women who love to dance and support 威尼斯人平台 by performing at football and basketball games, 生命接力, 唇同步, 以及其他校园活动.


The 音乐学院 has over 40 Ensembles for music students to participate in as well as several annual events to perform at. 




创意写作俱乐部 is a welcoming space where people can create community through a shared love of creative writing. 欢迎大家!


Help students develop skills in argument and persuasion while promoting a positive discourse on campus.


The 威尼斯人平台 的电子竞技联盟 is an organization of 威尼斯人平台 students who enjoy video games in casual and competitive settings. The purpose of our organization is to foster a community in which 资本 students can enjoy and share fun video game experiences together.

我们举办各种各样的活动-无论您是在寻找乐趣, casual hang-out with friends or some serious competition in your favorite game, 每个活动都对所有人开放. 对于那些对竞技游戏感兴趣的人, we seek to provide them with a setting to practice their skills and a platform from which to jump into competitive gaming in Columbus and beyond.


The primary focus of the 电影俱乐部 will be to educate members of the campus community about the value of film within society. 该组织将研究电影的所有不同方面, 包括美学, 经济的影响, 历史, 类型, 叙述, 重大贡献者, 以及社会关注.


The IFMC is the coalition of φβ, Phi Mu Alpha, α Iota, and Tau β Sigma. 这些兄弟会一起策划聚会, 服务项目, 招聘, 以及有益于威尼斯人平台音乐和艺术系的演出活动.


We are a collection of music students who have experienced packed schedules in the Conservatory with no time to run to the Main Dining Room or One Main Cafe. We are seeking to provide food to students who frequently pass through the lobby of the Conservatory -- the "fishbowl,我们亲切地称之为. Any student can join regardless of major or music participation -- if you need food, you need food!


The purpose of the 威尼斯人平台 Chapter of OCMEA is to provide students (especially music education majors) with an opportunity to interact with current music educators and professionals; learn from others in a way that goes beyond the curriculum; provide mutual support in our academic and musical studies; provide options and connections for post-graduation; and develop individual bonds within the music community on campus.


The organization’s mission is to spread the opportunity for live 表演 to those unable to find it on 资本’s campus while spreading theater to the Greater Columbus area through acts of service.


φβ is a national professional fraternal organization dedicated to promoting the best in the creative and performing arts, 通过服务来培养最高的人性. φβ is unique in encompassing all art forms, their histories and therapies. They provide widened horizons of artistic expression through collegiate and alumni experiences..

Phi Mu Alpha sinonia

Phi Mu Alpha is a professional fraternity for men in music, founded in 1898. 他们的目标包括支持优秀的作文, 表演, 教学, 为社区提供音乐服务. 


ReCap是威尼斯人平台的文学艺术杂志. 我们出版诗歌、散文、摄影和视觉艺术. Our staff is composed of well-qualified writers and artists who carefully choose each entry.

α Iota

α Iota is an international music fraternity for women which promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music.

Tau β Sigma

Tau β Sigma provides exceptional service to collegiate bands and promote equality and diversity, 包括在乐队职业中赋予女性权力. 组织培养领导能力, 教育成就, 音乐欣赏与社区发展.


我们是威尼斯人平台的网络广播电台. dj们每天都在演播室里现场直播. 我们还举办音乐会和卡拉ok之夜!